Minakami Town Minakami Town is known for stunning landscapes, thrilling activities, crafts, and hot springs. Join the fun only one hour from Tokyo.
Numata City Numata is a city in Gunma prefecture known for its huge Tengu masks, outdoor parks, ski slopes, the Numata festival, and Numata fireworks.
Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yomatsuri) / 秩父夜祭- 2H from Tokyo Chichibu Night Festival is a traditional Japanese festival registered as a UNESCO heritage. The highlight is the fireworks on both nights. (Chichibu City / 秩父市)
Izumoiwai Yabusame Festival / 出雲伊波比の流鏑馬まつり – 1hour 15min from Tokyo Come and witness the 1,000-year-old archery tradition! (Moroyama Town / 毛呂山町)
Illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park(Oct-Feb) /あしかがフラワーパーク – 1 hour 30min from Tokyo This winter, come and enjoy the astonishing illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park, voted No.1 in Japan! (Ashikaga City / 足利市)
Akagi Area Akagi area is a mountainous destination near Mt. Akagi. Great for travelers who like hiking, cycling, camping as well as unwinding in nature.
Yunishigawa Snow Igloo Festival (Kamakura Matsuri) – 3 hours from Tokyo Spend a romantic evening at the Yunishigawa Snow Igloo Festival, Kamakura Matsuri. (Nikko / 日光市)
Frozen Fukuroda Waterfall (Fukuroda no taki) / 袋田の滝氷瀑- 3H from Tokyo The frozen Fukuroda waterfall is a remarkable view to experience in January. Visit the observation deck, to see the 120m waterfall close-up.