Hitachinaka City Hitachinaka City is a seaside city in Ibaraki prefecture famous for Nemophila flowers and Kochia at the Hitachi Seaside Park as well as their fish market and delicious seafood.
Chichibu Area The Chichibu area is only two hours from Tokyo and is perfect for a short trip. Visit and experience nature, adventure, and local wine, sake & whisky!
‘Autumn view’ along Watarase Valley Railway / わたらせ渓谷鉄道- 2H from Tokyo Take the Watarase Valley railway train to see the beautiful autumn leaves (Kiryu city, Midori city & Nikko city / 桐生市, みどり市,日光市)
Mashiko Autumn Pottery Fair / 益子秋の陶器市- 2.5H from Tokyo One of the largest 'Craft & Pottery Fair' in nearby Tokyo (Mashiko Town / 益子町)
Illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park(Oct-Feb) /あしかがフラワーパーク – 1 hour 30min from Tokyo This winter, come and enjoy the astonishing illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park, voted No.1 in Japan! (Ashikaga City / 足利市)
Kochia (summer cypress) season / Hitachi Seaside Park – 2H from Tokyo Enjoy walking through firey red Kochia (summer cypress) plants. (Hitachinaka City / ひたちなか市)
Kounosu Fireworks (Konosu Fireworks) / こうのす花火大会 – 55min from Tokyo Come be blown away at the 'world record beating' firework at Kounosu Fireworks! (Konosu City / 鴻巣市)
Tsukiakari Hana Kairou / 月かり花回廊 2.5hrs from Tokyo Tsukiakari Hana Kairou (Moonlight Flower Gallery) is a fantastic illumination of Japanese traditional wagasa umbrellas.(Kinugawa Onsen / 鬼怒川温泉)
Numata Fireworks / 沼田花火大会- 2hrs from Tokyo An amazing firework display famous for synchronizing music and fireworks. It is worth a visit to experience the splendor. (Numata City / 沼田市)
Mashiko Sunflower Festival (Mashiko Himawari Matsuri) / 益子ひまわり祭り – 2.5 hours from Tokyo Beautiful sunflower festival near Tokyo (Mashiko Town / 益子町)
Yorii Tamayodo Suitengu Festival / 寄居玉淀水天宮祭 – 1h 55min from Tokyo Come and be amazed at the beautiful water floats and breathtaking fireworks at the Yorii Tamayodo Suitengu Festival! (Yorii Town / 寄居町)
Yamaage Festival (Yamaage Matsuri) / 山あげ祭 – 2 hours 10min from Tokyo Watch outdoor Kabuki at this UNESCO World Heritage festival! (Nasu-karasuyama City / 那須烏山市)