Tochigi Float Festival (Autumn Festival) / とちぎ秋まつり – 70min from Tokyo Find out about the biannual edo-style float festival in Tochigi city (Tochigi City / 栃木市)
‘Autumn view’ along Watarase Valley Railway / わたらせ渓谷鉄道- 2H from Tokyo Take the Watarase Valley railway train to see the beautiful autumn leaves (Kiryu city, Midori city & Nikko city / 桐生市, みどり市,日光市)
Mashiko Autumn Pottery Fair / 益子秋の陶器市- 2.5H from Tokyo One of the largest 'Craft & Pottery Fair' in nearby Tokyo (Mashiko Town / 益子町)
Izumoiwai Yabusame Festival / 出雲伊波比の流鏑馬まつり – 1hour 15min from Tokyo Come and witness the 1,000-year-old archery tradition! (Moroyama Town / 毛呂山町)
Illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park(Oct-Feb) /あしかがフラワーパーク – 1 hour 30min from Tokyo This winter, come and enjoy the astonishing illuminations at Ashikaga Flower Park, voted No.1 in Japan! (Ashikaga City / 足利市)