Enjoy Utsunomiya in 3 hours

- Angus's tour of Utsunomiya

Angus runs the NearbyTokyo website and enjoys discovering hidden gems in the region. Follow Angus below and discover how to enjoy Utsunomiya in 3 hours before heading back to Tokyo at 21:30.

This is a perfect itinerary if you are traveling back from Nikko on the JR Nikko Line (leaving Nikko at 17:18 and arriving in JR Utsunomiya Station at 17:58) by yourself or with a small group of people (up to 4 people) and plan to change trains at JR Utsunomiya Station.

*Check out the route in Google Maps at the bottom of this page.

Suggestion by Angus Miyaji.

18:03 Leave Utsunomiya Station and hop on a local bus (A)

Although most locations are within 20 min walking distance, the buses are quite a convenient way to get around Utsunomiya. First, exit the West Exit of JR Utsunomiya Station and hop on a bus from the No.1 or No.2 bus stop outside the station (When you enter the bus you need to grab a ticket. See here for how to do this). 

18:10 Get off at Baba-Cho (馬場町) Bus stop (B)

After crossing the bridge and traveling West for Approx. 3-5 min or so, you will see a large orange entrance to a shrine (A orange gate looking structure) on the right side of the road. Hit the bell on the bus to let the driver know you want to get off at Baba-Cho Bus stop and leave the bus. (Don’t worry if you miss your stop, you can just get off at the next stop)

Budget : 170 yen

18:15-18:55 Try different famous Gyozas at Kirasse (来らっせ) (C)

Walk 2 min to Kirasse (来らっせ) which is located in the basement of MEGA Don Quijote (Mega ドン・キホーテ) on Banba Dori Street across from the small police station. Make sure to taste several different Gyoza from the different shops!

*Check here for more info about Kirasse

Budget : 500-1,000 yen

19:07 - 20:00 Walk down to Yatai Yokocho (屋台横丁) and mingle with locals (D)

After filling yourself with delicious Gyoza, now it’s time to join the locals at one of the most popular alleyways in Utsunomiya. The Yatai-Yokocho (屋台横丁) . There are 20 or so mini bars down the alley so have fun choosing!

*Check here for more info about Yatai Yokocho

Budget : 1,800-2,500 yen 

*Each person will be charged about 200-500yen for Otoshi (Table charge fee) 

20:07 - 20:52 Drop by The Flair Bar for an amazing cocktail (E)

A night out in Utsunomiya wouldn’t be complete without sipping a Cocktail by an award winning mixologist! And if you are lucky you may be able to see their famous SPARKLER SHOW!

*Check here for more info about The Flair Bar

Budget : 1,500-2,000 yen

20:52 - 21:02 Make your way back to Baba-Cho bus stop (F)

Make your way back to the Orange Gate where you started the night. This time cross the street and turn left where the gate is. Walk 30m and you will find Baba-cho bus stop (馬場町). Wait for the bus that has JR宇都宮駅 (JR Utsunomiya Station) showing on the front of the bus and ride it back to the station (Approx. 5-6 min journey).

Budget : 170 yen

Catch the 21:34 Bullet train to Tokyo (G)

You should arrive at JR Utsunomiya station around 21:15 so you should have plenty of time to catch the 21:34 to Tokyo.

*Please note train times were accurate on 14th Oct 2019. Please see here for up-to-date train times.

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