Suigo Itako Iris Festival / 水郷潮来あやめまつり- 70 min from Tokyo A Japanese festival surrounded by beautiful iris flowers beside a historical Japanese canal. An excellent place to come and see bride boats. (Itako City / 潮来市)
Wisteria at Ashikaga Flower Park あしかがフラワーパーク – 1 hour 30min from Tokyo Come and view the amazing great wisterias in full bloom at Ashikaga Flower Park. (Ashikaga City / 足利市)
Night Cherry Blossom Festival in Kinugawa Onsen – 2.5 hours from Tokyo Relax in a hot sping and enjoy the night sakura viewing at Kinugawa Onsen's Mangekyo Festival. (Nikko City / 日光市)
Mito Plum Blossom Festival (Mito no Ume Matsuri)/水戸の梅まつり – 1.5 hrs from Tokyo Mito Plum Blossom Festival celebrates early spring with lovely plum blossoms. Visit Kairakuen, one of Japan's Greatest Gardens! (Mito city / 水戸市)
Yoroi Toshikoshi Festival (Samurai Festival) – 1 hour 20min from Tokyo Become a samurai at Yoroi Toshikoshi (Ashikaga Samurai Festival) in Ashikaga (Ashikaga City / 足利市)