
Festivals nearby Tokyo - Watarase balloon festival

Experience the best 'Festivals & Events' nearby Tokyo

— Festivals and events are the best way to experience Japan —

Interesting events & festivals near Tokyo.
From UNECSO registered traditional festivals to local events that WOW overseas visitors.

Were you inspired by any of these events and festivals?

After visiting one of these events or festivals, I’m sure your friends and family back home will want to hear all about your cool experience!

As well as unique events, this region also offers many Nature experiences  such as onsen (hot springs)  and  mouth-watering dishes so its a great place to spend a few days to enjoy the Japanese countryside.

All the information here is locally curated so you are in good hands!

*Please note, the dates of these events can suddenly change due to bad weather and other unexpected circumstances. However to help you navigate, we have included the contact details of the organizers office in each event if you need to confirm with them if the event or festival is going ahead.

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