Oyama city, 35min north of Tokyo (by Shinkansen) in Tochigi Prefecture, is home to Yuki Tusumugi Silk weaving tradition (UNESCO intangible cultural heritage) and Watarase-yusuichi Retarding Basin (listed as a Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance).
Many visitors come to Oyama to watch the huge summer fireworks displays during Oyama Summer Festa and the Jyagamaita Festival (Japanese Heritage) in the spring. Other popular activities are Strawberry picking, learning about Yuki Tsumugi silk, and Sake brewery tours. Find out more in the ‘Things to do in Oyama’ section.
Oyama station is also where you change to go to Ashikaga city (Ashikaga Flower Park), Tochigi city, Mashiko Town, Mito and is on the way to Utsunomiya and Nikko (UNESCO world heritage site), so why not stop over at Oyama and visit the Oyama Honba Yuki Tsumugi Craft Museum just outside Oyama station where you can try traditional silk weaving?
Oyama City is also where you can experience the highest skydiving in Japan (over Watarase-yusuichi)!
From Tokyo
From Airports
Main Stations
Oyama city is a large city so there is almost any kind of Japanese food available. Near Oyama station you can find many places to eat that are open until late.
Oyama has almost any type of Western restaurant available. Near Oyama station you can find many places to eat that are open until late.
Oyama city is known for the largest producer of Hatomugi (Job’s tears). It contains a lot of nutrients, including vitamins B1 and B2 and minerals and is made in to tea, cereal as well as beauty products.
Each of these places are within a day trip away. Click on the image to find out more.
About Yuki Tsumugi (link)
Oyama City, Tochigi Pref. (link)
About Oyama City (link)
About Yuki Tsumugi (link)
About Watarase-yusuichi Retarding Basin (link)
About Yuki Tsumugi (link)
About Watarase-yusuichi Retarding Basin (link)
Nearby Tokyo talks to Kuki city’s local tourist office about things to do in the area, including their famous lantern festival as well as their Iris, lavender and cosmos flowers.
Nearby Tokyo talks to Oku-Nikko’s city’s local tourist office about things to do in the area, including attractions and local food!
Nearby Tokyo talks to Ueno Village’s Uenomura Local Industry Information Center about things to do, nature activities, and local food!